ENT Surgery
One of the leading Centre providing comprehensive diagnosis & therapeutic in the field of ENT related disorders. 24 hours round-the-clock ENT emergency services available.
- Operating microscopes
- Nasal endoscopes (rigid)
- Nasopharyngo laryngoscope (flexible)
- Closed circuit camera for FESS, microlaryngeal & micro ear surgeries
- Fully equipped audiometry & Speech therapy department
- Radio frequency instrument & harmonic scalpel for blood less surgery
- Laser Assisted Surgery
- Tympanometry
- Middle ear analyzer (Madesen)
- Brainstem evoked response potential [BERA]
- Real ear measurements (Hearing Aids-Digital)
- Tympanoplasty
- Surgery for snoring & sleep apnoea syndrome
- Functional & cosmetic rhinoplasty
- Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)
- Cochlear implant clinic for profound hearing loss in both children & adults
- Allergy tests
- Laser tonsilectomy
- Hearing assessment
- Speech Audiometry
- Special tests for Hearing function (a) S.I.S.I., (b) T.D.T., (c) A.B.L.B., (d) TYMPANOGRAM
- Impedance Audiometry
- Brain stem evoked response audiometry
- Speech therapy for speech and language (problems) disorders